Unwanted hair loss is an extremely common and often very distressing problem affecting both men and women. By the age of 60 years the vast majority of men and women will suffer from some form of hair thinning. However, in a significant number early onset male and female pattern hair loss can be the cause of significant psychological distress and social embarrassment. A normal head of hair consists of between 100,000 to 120,000 hairs.


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy Injections are a proven hair loss treatment that can regenerate and promote hair growth for men and women by using your own plasma and growth factors to target areas of hair loss. Hair Doctors use PRP to encourage the growth of thinning hair and promote the growth of transplanted hair. Hair follicles survive on the nutrition they get from the blood supply. PRP injections work by introducing platelets so by administering PRP in the area of damaged hair follicles healthy hair growth will be promoted.

Who is a candidate for PRP HAIR treatment?

What are the benefits of PRP hair loss treatment?

How PRP works

Platelets contain healing growth factors. Those growth factors are like signal callers that give instructions to your tissue to regenerate and multiply. This has lead different fields of medicine to utilize PRP for wound healing to speed up recovery time and regrow healthier, stronger tissue. With PRP for Hair, your growth factors and stem cells work together to reverse the miniaturization of the hair follicle and jumpstarting dormant hair back into the growth stage.



A special collection tube is used to draw your blood and is placed into a centrifuge.


After 10 minutes on centrifugation, the platelets are concentrated and drawn up into a syringe.


Using a small needle, the platelets are then injected strategically into your scalp in the areas that need improvement.

You can immediately return to your normal daily routine although strenuous activity and alcohol consumption should be avoided for 24 hours post procedure. Patients may experience a little shedding of hair within the first 1-2 months – this is normal and means the treatment is working.


The most common cause of hair loss in men and women is medically termed androgenic alopecia. It is otherwise known as male and female pattern hair loss. In men, this is usually due to effects of testosterone being converted to dihydrotestosterone by the enzyme 5-alpha reductase.

Dihydrotestosterone results in a reduction in the blood supply to the scalp and gradual miniaturisation of hair follicles and lengthening of the hair cycle. In women the cause of female pattern hair loss is not fully understood. Other common causes of hair loss include anaemia (normally due to iron deficiency), underactive thyroid and vitamin D deficiency. Other causes of hair loss can be due to stress and medication. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition where the body attacks it’s own hair follicles.

There is no downtime associated with this procedure and patients can often return to work the following day. However, depending upon the amount of fat harvested from the flanks, there can be a bit of oozing that persists for 48 to 72 hours.

At Rejuvence we specialise in regenerative medicine techniques for hair restoration and believe with the advent of biocellular hair restoration using Angel Arthrex and Magellan TruPRP and micronised fat with stem cells and growth factors, fewer patients will have to opt for hair transplantation and more will successfully maintain their natural hairline for longer.

Generally, patients notice results within 4-8 weeks after PRP injections. These results continue to build for up to 6 months after treatment.

Results from PRP injections can be seen for many years after treatment; However, these results vary due to the individual’s natural variation in quality of PRP, as well as their lifestyle. While we cannot stop the hair-thinning process, we can slow it down dramatically.

Results can be seen after one treatment, but the exact amount of treatments needed varies from patient to patient. Generally, 2‐3 treatments are advised, but more may be indicated for some individuals.

During your consultation, and assessment will be made to ensure you are the right candidate for PRP injections. Patients with certain health conditions are not a candidate for PRP injections. Patients who are pregnant are not candidates for PRP injections.


about the center



Sunway geo

A02-01, Sunway Geo Avenue,
Jalan Lagoon Selatan,
Bandar Sunway,
47500 Petaling Jaya,

160, Jalan Maarof,
59100 Bangsar,
Kuala Lumpur.


Monday-Sunday :9am -6pm
Public Holidays : Closed


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Sunway Geo

A02-01, Sunway Geo Avenue,
Jalan Lagoon Selatan,
Bandar Sunway,
47500 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia.

160, Jalan Maarof,
59100 Bangsar,
Kuala Lumpur.


Monday-Sunday :9am -6pm
Public Holidays : Closed

about the center



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